Friday, May 29, 2015

Hello all!

The Golf Course has really kicked into high gear this month with all the fertilizer and rain that we have received. We have not been able to mow the rough on 14-18, fairways, or the approaches for a couple days because of the inclement weather this week so some areas are shaggy. So far this week we have had well over 4 1/2 " . The bermuda greens are also filling in very well and we are doing our best to get the grass to fill in where the weak areas are. We just sprayed the two greens with primo (PGR- plant growth regulator) and some fertilizer. This will stop the grass from growing vertically and hopefully push it horizontally. We also double cut and roll those greens everyday to keep speeds up. Hope everyone is enjoying the course and hit 'em straight! 
 The rough is really tall on #18. We will cut it once we can get a mower out there.
 #2 from the white tees