Thursday, March 19, 2015


Aeration holes are starting to close up this week. The healing process has sped up with the fertilizer, warm weather, and rain that we have had. Some of the holes are still not yet filled with sand, but we are working on that daily by hand.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Please fill in all divots with green sand after hitting your shot. Thanks!

Turf Paint

Let us know how you thought the fairway on #16 looked throughout the winter with the turf paint. The turf paint gives the grass the look of a over seeded fairway , but doesn't choke out the Bermuda like rye grass does . The dark green paint on the leaf blade of the grass helps the "green up process" move a little quicker in the spring than just leaving the grass brown.



Spring is in the air

Grass is starting to gradually come out of dormancy on # 16 rough. 


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Hello and Welcome

This is the official Druid Hills Golf Club Turf Care blog site. This is where we will be informing members  of the daily maintenance and major projects that we are doing on the course. I hope you find this site informative and very helpful. If you have any questions or ideas of how to make the site better please let us know. I hope you have a great day and enjoy your next round of golf at Druid Hills Golf Club.

Turf care department